Friday, December 16, 2011

XML jQuery Paging / Slide / example

XML jQuery Paging / Slide show example.

Script - include jquery library
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>

Add the following inside a script tag in head section
var myArray = [];
  var count2 = 1;
  var xmlRowCount = 0;
  function mainFunction()
   var xmlGlobal={}; // variable to shore xml data  
  function callAjaxFunction()
    type: "GET",
    url: "sites.xml",
    dataType: "xml",
    success: doXmlFunction
  function doXmlFunction(XML)
    xmlGlobal = $(XML);
    var content = $(XML).find('site');
    //show first content
    //for each item attach the showXmlFunction handler

  // show content of item clicked
  function showXmlFunction(e)
   var tempCount = parseInt( -1;
  //Attaching the showXmlFunction handler
  function loopXmlFunction2()
   $(''+count2 +'').bind('click', {msg: count2},showXmlFunction).appendTo($('#nav-wrap'))

  //Function to show content
  function loopXmlFunction()
   xmlRowCount = 0;
   var id = $(this).attr('id');
   var title = $(this).find('title').text();
   var url = $(this).find('url').text();
   myArray[parseInt(xmlRowCount)] = new Array(id, title, url);
   //remove any revious elements
   //add new title element
   //add sub elements
    var brief = $(this).find('brief').text();
    var long = $(this).find('long').text();
').html(brief).appendTo('#link_'+id); $('
').html(long).appendTo('#link_'+id); }); }
Add the following html in body tag
 <div id="page-wrap">
      <h1>XML jQuery Paging - Show items one by one on click</h1>
  <div style="margin:10px 0 0 20px;" id="nav-wrap"></div>

The Following is the sites.xml file structure

   <site id="0">
       <brief>this is the brief description 1.</brief>
       <long>...and this is the long description 1.  See how long it is :)</long>
   <site id="1">
       <brief>this is the brief description 2.</brief>
       <long>...and this is the long description 2.  See how long it is :)</long>
   <site id="2">
     <title>Css Tricks</title>
       <brief>this is the brief description 3.</brief>
       <long>...and this is the long description 3.  See how long it is :)</long>

You can customize your ui like the following.